Sleep Apnea is a disorder where people stop and start breathing repeatedly throughout the night. It is a
serious sleep condition that can affect numerous other aspects of your life and can lead to increased
chances of heart attack and stroke. The good news is your dentist may be able to help! Kuna Dental
works in conjunction with Sleep Tight Idaho that specializes in working with medical doctors who can
help you understand, screen, and treat your Sleep Apnea. Sleep Tight Idaho offers several different kinds
of appliances depending on our patient’s needs and circumstances.
Oral Appliance Therapy
Custom-fitted mandibular advancement appliances are designed to reposition the lower jaw and tongue
to keep the airway open during sleep. This treatment is typically recommended to treat mild/moderate
obstructive sleep apnea or for individuals who are not capable of using their CPAP device.
Some signs of sleep apnea:
- Bruxism (clenching/grinding)
- Scalloped tongue
- Morning headaches
- Snoring, gasping, choking or gurgling sound while sleeping
- Daytime sleepiness
- Dry mouth and/or sore throat in the morning
- Hypertension
- Depression
If you answered yes to any of these symptoms, then Sleep Tight Idaho with Kuna Dental would love to
help you in this process to see if you are a good candidate for an oral appliance. Give us a call for your
free home sleep test today!
Contact Us
935 N. Linder Road
Suite 101
Kuna, ID 83634